Move To SIngapore From Hong Kong
Arabica Coffee
Coffee-Drinking Culture In Singapore
How To Order Coffee In Singapore

Kopi: Black Coffee with condensed milk

Kopi-0: Black Coffee with sugar

Kopi C: Black Coffee with condensed milk and sugar

Kopi Kosong: Black Coffee without sugar or milk

Kopi Gah Dai: Black Coffee with extra condensed milk

Kopi Siew Dai: Coffee with condensed milk but less sugar

Kopi O Siew Dai: Black Coffee with less sugar

Kopi Gau: Strong Coffee with condensed milk

Kopi O Gau: Strong Black Coffee with sugar

Kopi Di Lo: Coffee extra thick

Kopi Peng: Iced Coffee with condensed milk

Coffee Making In Singapore
Butter Coffee 牛油咖啡

Singaporeans are obsessed with Hong Kong culture! We love Andy Lau 劉德華 the most 😀 This is to the point of naming our mineral water 礦泉水 and cinema after him.

“Where are you at?” “See you at 劉德華.

Nicknames of Some Drinks In Singapore
Singlish Dub Over Hong Kong Movie
Singlish Dub Over Beauty and The Beast
Singlish Dub Over Aladdin
Singlish Dub Over Little Mermaid
National Day 9 August – Celebrating Singapore Independence Since 1965
Singapore Air Force
Singapore Navy
Singapore Spoof